he's a killer
yet he has died more times then the beat less hearts that litter his path, watch out sweet thang you might step on one
wearing his trench coat of misery on this miserable day walking through doors lacking all chivalry doors once held open by his smile now barred shut with his steel heart following him cause he's like so hot and his long hair is soo cool, did you hear he's a model? and oh boy don't you want in, he waits for you on the other side of that door
like "sorry sweet thang you aint comin in, this place is now reserved for sin and plus your just too pretty for whats inside" yet you walk in anyway, his smiling eyes held together by true lie's and this place once a garden of budding romance, the flowers of commitment, the seeds of selflessness the sweet williams of monogamy but neglected and rejected deprived of all light and nourishment now a bed of carnivorous plants, whimsical weeds, roses with enlarged poisonous thorns oh boy they look beautiful don't they sweet thang just grab one, no i swear you wont get hurt, this satanical botanical heat cranked up like Hell like sweet thang you should remove your clothes before you over heat, yes take them off but trust me this is your idea not mine, i'm just trying to keep you comfortable, just keep looking at the flowers and paying attention to this infernal heat. like jeez la weez you got me naked you little vixen, were both just in the nude in this infernal garden, this was your idea all along wasn't it, and now you feel so comfortable in this infernal heat smiling eyes held together by those obvious lies my respect for you going down as i go down on you, my disdain for you as foul as your bellow belt breath like shit i guess you don't respect me either like the 2004 elections the republicans wining and all i can see is bush and i can smell his bullshit and your bullshit smell leaving tastes in my mouth i didn't know existed but no worries cause you aint goin anywhere tonight you are not coming your sea creature antics star fishing your way to where exactly? like sweet thang i know you wana make like an octupussss and squirt some ink and oh boy do i wish you played the part of the puffer but you don't blow your mouth shut i wish your horizontal vocabulary consisted of actual words and not the ohh's and ahhh's of cheap soft 70's porn those same ohh's and ahh's you recited as i wowed you and bamboozled you with stories of trips abroad and foreign philosophies on love and emotions so what do you have to say you lame broad? your as substantial as my fading erection, just like that empty bottle of wine your overflowing with things to say even the crickets are getting paid overtime. , you brought these crickets into this garden just like you brought your hopes and dreams of monogamy you left with intriguing ideas of polygamy which you think you thought of yourself but really you just left a garden full of seeds and some of them have been deliberately planted in your head and oh boy was that soil fertile, your clothes not the only things that have been soiled on your next visit to the garden you might just find those doors to be shut a one way out exit in disbelief your grief not palpable because those seeds that were sown make you believe that you've seen every flower in this garden and there's no use going back so let's go frolic in other gardens but really all you saw was the front room and that's all they will ever see the select few who have ventured beyond have found fountains of inner beauty over flowing with kindness in the form of tweeting birds and humming bees you might have met the silly inner child that resides in the trees in a tree house made of hopes and dreams, every flower opening up to you as you pass, the sweet smell of possibilities but you, like the selected few, have kept on walking exiting the back door i didn't know existed the slam of the door and the click of the lock in tandem with the front door that leads to the front room of heat and thorns which grows with every passing pedestrian and every slamming door threatening to entangle the entrance access to fountains, birds and the bees and that little boy becoming increasingly hard and that little boy sulking in his tree house but noooo worrrries cause he's got tons of shit to play with, i can't believe you just caught a glimpse of him, but anyway just focus on the heat of the front room and the beautiful thorny roses and whimsical weeds and take off your clothes as if it was your idea.