it has been way to long dear blog.
i gotta write something! my creativity is shriveling like balls in cold water.
I'm gonna writer about this techno I'm blasting write now.
techno use to be such a dirty word.. now electro has taken it's place as the dirty word.. but that's another post..
i recently subscribed to this website called Resident advisor, you can download podcasts and what not. They have a new one each week
The podcasts are phenomenally dope, the best techno and House and underground shake that i have seen a website offer to date.
go there now and dl some podcast
So far this podcast is my favorite: http://www.residentadvisor.net/podcast-episode.aspx?id=156
it's a dude called Seth Troxler .. he sounds like a cat who has a lot of satin in his home and goes to many orgies.
The one i am listening to right now is a live mix by this duder named Levon Vincent
If you find this post to lack substance and you need a side dish for your voracious appetite then good sir feast you eyes on this website!: http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/
This website has single handily made me squirt milk out of my nose in fits of laughter.. without even drinking milk. Basically the name is self explanatory .. There are thousands of text messages from people about their debauchery the night before, for example:
(201): I'm smoking weed out of a trumpet
(908): I just did a slip and slide down the hall way of my apartment building
(201): Tie
(971): I have two black x marks on my hands.
(503): Yep you got cut off last night after a stripper bent over in front of you and you screamed very loudly 'I can see your soul from here'
(971): damnit I wish I could remember that.
the list goes on and on.
I've even posted a couple myself (search the 514)
definitely worth checking out, especially if your having a bad day and need a good cheering up.
Keep your mangoes fresh and your bananas peeled
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