My New Years outfit still smells like that girl who was too high on MDMA to realize that i wasn't German and no i don't like grinding and I'd rather dance alone and ride the spinning pink double bed on the dance floor then go home with her but she was young and pretty apple pie American blond hair and all, eyes sparkling with invitations body tingling with euphoria, rubbing against mine like canines and i'm a sucker for attention. what guy doesn't like them blond and busty and me to overwhelmed by the lights and the sounds to make decisions so you grabbed my hand and led me out of the warehouse to go to yours only to find out you live in a dorm and realizing that in America you are NOT legal, cramped in a metro with thousands of people i don't know going somewhere i've never been with a girl i just met but knew nothing about and i tried to speak but it wasn't only the cat who had my tongue, it had been corroded away by substances i had ingested. we were both pumped with adrenaline for different reason, i was confused and tripping balls you were anxious to go down on mine because hey baby you just picked up an older Canadian guy who's a model and has the nicest hair you've seen and just look at what he's wearing; multi colored spandex leggings and a tank top that would put biblical Joseph to shame, Nav'i war paint adorned my face making me seem more and more like something out of greek mythology and like Dionysian this evening was about excess , my consciousness drowning in doses and trying so hard to come up for air and explain who i am where i'm from what my goals are in life and what my parents are like but all i could say were nonsensical sentences that's started with "soo umm" and ended with "that's cool" quite the catch but this fish was fried. i tried to explain but all i could do was hold your hand and put one foot in front of the other. we arrived at some otherworldly campus full of painted trees and metal sculptures .. trying hard to place my reality, was this real?
a security guard asleep, a set of stairs and unmarked door , 3 beds in one room a south American boy with a 4 foot bong in its own case, his eyes became Asian, as he played that glass flute like this was an orchestra and i had been brought hear to play, i was looking at drew trying to communicate with him in french but his bilingualism was melting like Dali clocks, both trying to regain our vernacular. we need a plan because things we falling apart, this no longer was a double date but a third wheel on a unicycle on the path to hell. oh boy did we want to get out mustering all the sobriety i had left and stating that we HAD to leave
and you said please
i said another time, we both knew we would never see each other again
i wrote my name on a paper kissed you goodnight and bounced the fuck out of there like a closet full of dodge balls
we got out of the dorm back into the playground of the strange a smile finally touching our lips because we realized that the trees were not painted and now we could finally go home. hailed a stereotype and he drove us over the Brooklyn bridge speaking of languages and racism and as i looked at the big apple i was satisfied that i had taken a bite that was a little to big to swallow and it was worth it letting it's acidity flow down my throat.
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