if Emily and i are both single at 40 we're getting married in Vegas and living on a sail boat in the desert ..with a life raft 50 yards away tied to our sail boat for when we need time alone.
Beautiful people should never be lonely. whats the point of being beautiful if you cannot share it. it's like living in a sail boat in the desert...
and we keep hearing that there are more fish in the sea
i would never post something without trying to make you guys smile
let us set anchor in the depths of these dunes, to brave new worlds
we explore the useless
with vigor we look onwards from the bow
"release the sails"
telescope handy trying to spot the future through our eye patch
searching for the ocean
and we are flooded with dust
smiling ear to ear
rushing from one end of this magnificence sail boat of ours to the other
making adjustments, tightening knots, scrubbing the deck, checking the compass, turning the wheel
sailing as fast as these mountainous waves of sand will take us
and we are in a hurry
searching for davy jones's locker, where we use to slip love notes
and it seems we are going backwards, these lazy clouds passing over us like snail mocking turtles
"captain hows the ship!?"
" aye she be tip top, beautiful, the finest vessle to sail the 7 seas"
but we have sailed so few seas that the magical sparkling blue has turned to sparkling sand
most of the crew has abandoned ship almost to the last man
"but quickly now we have no time to waste matey!"
stock full of rhum oh and how we are dumb with no place to cum
better get yer sea legs you never know when we might hit water
riding these heat waves into the bosom of mirages
"east by east yer sea dogs! thats where will find water"
we sail to India
the ship creaks protesting cynical moans
drowned out by the laughter of drunk pirates
who wear double eye patches and double hooked hands
waiting for their chance to do a jig
the longer they are denied water the faster this ship will swashbuckle under it's own weight
"but keep smiling matey's, ther be gold and treasures in the form of sea maidens"
Like ship rats they scurry preparing the ship for water
in this endless desert