and you radiated sunshine lips tracing oblivion, wearing dresses of mystery, the pools of your eyes endless depths of curiosity sparkling precious diamonds of 'what if's' the curves of your body more defined then South American tango dancers, you move in and out of my thoughts tapping your feet to the beat of my heart and when i think of you i do not know where to start your voice spills and washes over me like glowing waterfalls basking in your words well chosen.
your eyelashes extended to find extraneous situations because you think spontaneous circumstances are the epitome of your youth your feet are calloused from traveling the world your face wrinkled in smiles your hair flows like medieval curtains you walk about with a sense of confidence tip toeing in and out of worlds leaving footprints of happiness touching everyone you meet with a loving hand and an empathetical understanding and maybe that's why everyone loves you so much but i love you for the fact that you exist because i know that we have never met but i know you are somewhere looking out your window at the same moon i gaze at in the beautiful stillness of the night i can hear the echo of a heartbeat. hopefully one day we will create our own cliche love story, somewhere in a big city, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, but for now we are both on our separate journey becoming the right person for each other
we would inspire each other to the limits of our imagination needing nothing more but ourselves dancing shamanistic swing-tango through time our love would feed us sustaining the corners of our mouths ever pinned upwards the twinkle in our eyes blinding passerby's
one day we will meet and i will take your hand, you'll smile, I'll say something smooth yet silly, you'll laugh a beautiful chorus of sound I'll put my arm around you firm and strong we will dance dance till the floor is clear and we are the only ones left and i will ask you very gently but with assertion if i can kiss you, you'll smile and kiss me I'll smell your hair trying not to make it obvious and that just makes you smile, will go somewhere: micro traveling, discovering new places; your room, perhaps mine, no official documents needed just whispers and words made by our palms a strip search a voyage of our tactility tasting, smelling, seeing and hearing new things in this foreign place we have created between each other, us strangers, and "New York I Love You" told me that there's nothign more exhilaration then fucking a complete stranger but it will be more then that it will be the consumption of a euphoric future one night stand turning into cuddles by the beach, mountain top sunsets, drug induced dancing in the desert, new foods in odd places, laughter in the concrete jungle...
I'm sipping my coffee in the morning and smiling knowing that somewhere on this earth your doing the same, flipping through my newspaper knowing one day you will caress my shoulders with your morning appreciation matching robs and silly things, silly children silly smiles silly staring silly sips of coffee eyes locked in perfect euphoric connection epiphanies of why our hearts beat simultaneously knowing that without each other we would not be able to define ourselves
but i don`t believe in love and i`m dying to get convinced
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