i want to tell you all that i love you for being human, all your character flaws all your smiles damn i even love you for your qualities, but i want to see you dance more, i want to see that smile move.
it's all here for you godammit can't you see it , its not some half baked idea its a philosophy.
i think we could all be the best of friends, just be innately friendly and positive, reject negativity!
I think of all my friends and acquaintances and all the people i haven't met, i think about what i've seen and what i have yet to see.
i cannot comprehend most of the beauty in the world but shit at least i know it's there... i want you to realize it's there even if you can't see it, give yourself the opportunity to see it. put yourself in places where you might get glimpses
and everyone is beautiful no matter what YOU think. look beyond opinions ...
walk with your palms open, smile at strangers greet all the random ghosts that walk past you on the street
Rory your one of the only people that reads my blog and i hope to god you take deep breaths when you do i mean try and inhale what i'm preaching and use it in your own ways, your own ways to improve yourself and the people and places around you.
i just get sad and dishearten when i'm confronted by negative, judgmental, close minded people.
a persons first reaction to every scenario should be positive.
what kind of barbarian looks for the flaws in the world.
Life Happens Once.
enjoy it.
every time your upset, step back and think: am i choosing to be upset? and does this scenario really have control over my emotions?
nothing and no one can take away your choice to smile.
worrying gets you nowhere, especially if you have no control over the situation, deal with problems in the present as much as you can but if the solution lies in the future or it lied in the past then accept it and just be happy your alive.
come on just be happy, and try and make others happy.. what else is there?

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