Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
French Steak
I've had a fucking hectic past couple days.. and hectic days parred with lots of physical activity and poor nutrition makes me feel all fucked up.. crancky, depressed, angry AGGRESSIVE!
tonight i had a delicious french steak with sweet peas.
that's all i really needed
now i can think straight
i'm a man again.. not a weak little starving African child
heres some mutha fuckin music
i'm still debating if i'm done with dating, fucking, seducing etcetera
i've been stuck in 2 cycles
1- dating-sex-boredom
2-dating-falling for-fuck it up-heartache
it's getting a little emotionally draining.. but its alright... i've got me!
and i'm fucking awesome
if you don't realize it you're a blind fool
Sunday, September 25, 2011
the way i see it
My head goes in the gutter when i get all tired and hungry and cranky...i lose my zen... one should never lose their zen.. unless, by losing your zen you help strengthen your zen down the road
or something like that
sometimes i find it hard to explain how i see the world in words...but its bright, sunny, positive.. getting caught in the rain is a good thing.. and stubbing my toe or falling on my ass is matter how painful
-Mornings are amazing and why would you watch something set when you can see it rise!
-people are so interesting.. everything about them, the way they dress the way they talk, what they talk of art really
-please others before yourself.. unless it harms you in some way.
alright i'll finish this later..again :P
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The only thing i ask in return is for you to be happy, and to learn and enjoy and experience.
The Universe always listens .... you may not realize.. no matter how subtle or obvious it is.

Us Agents of happiness frolic in and out of your lives like positive little guardian angels, champions of the light, heroes that save people from emotional burning buildings or fight modern day villains.
we should never expect anything back or any recognition for these acts of positivity would be nice though.. once and a while
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Will got a "radio show" ..not really
i found this website that lets your record and post your own live or recorded 30 minutes shows.. !!!
i have been waiting , (not really looking) for this for a long time.. i've always wanted to do this but i've always been to lazy.. i simply googled search radio show online and it was the 3rd hit!
be ready for some ridiculous shit!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Saturday, September 17, 2011
My single bed has plenty of room for you but never enough room for them

Heartbreak/heartache only makes you strong and wiser.
Haiku time:
The Fall of heartbreak
The Spring of budding flowers
The Summer of love
My friends awesome quotes:
"Women suck and thats why we love them" - R.S
"a beefy" J.C
"women can fake orgasm, men can fake love" T.M
" I make it easy, you make it fun" W.C
" i wear flavored lip balm because it makes me feel like i'm kissing a pretty girl all day"
My Late night/early morning sappy playlist:
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Let's get a little too high on life and stumble around smiling ear to ear like the chesire cat disappearing enlightened from this reality leaving only our smiles
the best defense against those countless frowners and downers and no good pounders
a war man told me the best defense is a good offense so everyday i attack you with this common sense
happiness is everywhere and once you accept it and let it strip you bear only then can you dare to think you know whats really going on in this universe so forget your purse and all the things that will shorten your path to the hearse
and smile
at least for a while
let all that negativity float away like your paddling down the nile
we are submersed in beauty yet too many of us float at the top like cadavers and the rest of us have snorkles cause we're to scared to dive down and discover
open your eyes take a deep breath and look around
i beg you to look into the eyes of a child; life's true performing poets or
go outside and see for yourself
the symmetry of a butterflies wings, the scent of a women, the fragility of a flower, a lovers tender kiss, the intricacies of friendships, the purity of a newborns palms, the stories found in wrinkles, the gentle breeze in the desert
and maybe i've been to burning man too many times
or maybe i have to much faith in strangers
but i keep looking and hoping that kindness and happiness is not yet endangered
because i think if everyone single person on this earth smiled at the same time and globally we shared a moment of true happiness
Evil would be washed away .a global baptism true adhesiveness
but lets start today even if your life is a little grey and your in dismay or a victim of foul play just curve your lips and your already halfway
smiles are the weapons of your soul weapons of mass construction
and lets begin our happiness seduction
for every frown thats down lets subject them to abduction replacing the negative with the positive and it's all good
if you live in the hood or a high rise or halifax or hampstead or a hole in the ground just be happy that you can smile it's not hard it's perfectly sound
no one can take that away from you
and if they try know that their futility is fuel for their frowns and if they continue to try and bring you down place your smile on their head like a crown making them look like a clown
because too many things don't matter like the pitter patter of politicians or MTV ambitions or your bank accounts condition
what matters is you and this and the search of simple bliss and your lovers kiss
so if your feeling blue with nothing to do then just smile cause it's all here for you
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
Fucking weirdos
as promised (way earlier then expected) i'm going to share some music that i have been listening to this summer.. i'm more of a podcast guy but i do enjoy the singles
Make sure to click the link to dl!
about the selection:
these are some tracks that have seen that ol' repeat button a few to many times this summer..
i like to keep things varied.. variety IS the spice of life .. I've listen to these songs while:
-biking through a hurricane
-dancing alone at the grocery store (who says you can't rave at the IGA?)
-before fun summer dates (dates are the best btw.. i love going on a date)
-lying in the park post picnic
these tracks really are fun to listen to depending on your mood
the summer started with a heartbreak ....(silly fairies)... which in my humble opinion! but also is AMAZING!
Heartbreak is one of the best things to happen to someone.. it makes you stronger, gives you some time to think abut yourself and what you want..ect
wow what a tangent
all this to say that when your going through some hard or easy times it's always nice to have a bit of musical companionship. Music is such a powerful should treat it as such
the rest of the summer has been so much FUN tons of smiles and adventures. i think what i learned this summer was how to find the most joy out of the random and simple
so here is a tribute to the random and simple
Enjoy weirdo's
P.S This is in response to this other weirdo's blog (there's a bunch of us out there).. lol she is such a silly goose .. i mean just to picture this girl jamming to -Come sail away by the Styx-
i seriously laughed out loud's so corny!.. .. weirdo's eh?.....we're so.....
p.s.s. i fuckin luv it
p.s.s.s i was talking about weirdo's ..not 'come sail away'..haha
the beginning
learning, growing, improving
that's the goal kids
i'm excited
I've also decided to bring this blog back to its original state.. more music, more lessons and reflections, more art, less ranting :P
I had a fantastic summer...

The Longest, Most redundant poem i have ever written
I need women
i need to long for them fall in love with them and get heartbroken by them, i need to go on dates with them and pursue them i need them as friends and foes i need to play that ever lasting never ever for ever after game of subtle seduction
back and forth like battling cobras
i need to growl and hiss for them
i need to stand straight for them and puff out my chest for them
i need to clench my jaw for them and blush because of them
i need to look out like lighthouse keepers and find the brightness in each of them
i need to be a gentle man and open doors i need to compliment so as to make myself feel better
i need to unfurl their curls and caress their curves i need to trace their body with 1 finger outlining their femminity it gives me serenity to be so close to divinity
I need girls and i need women and ladies and models and secretaries, librarians.
each with a lesson
looking back i needed
up and coming gym teachers, insecure french girls and troubled artists, i needed those westmount nerds and fashion rock stars, hipsters that shoplift, i needed smiling hippies and strong Nubian princesses, i needed big women, the kind that take what they want. i needed those volunteer paramedics and go getter bartenders, 6 foot yoga girls and young designers that i almost forgot about.. i needed suicide girls and broken ballerinas.. kinky Italianos and red headed feminists
i need that uncertain possibility that comes with a lingering gaze or a sultry smile i need that taste of victory when i lick your desire i need the sting of defeat as i watch you turn away..
i need to look deeply into your eyes only to see my reflection cause girl i need vanity, i need their decisions and self reflection.
i need the girls that are aware and the ones that wish they were i need to smell the scent of a women i need to submerse myself in their hair the sensual baptizim i need to catch my heart as it flies out of my mouth i need their adrenaline rollercoasters and the calculations to their heart that Einstein would scratch his head at
i need those pretty lady induced silences that shyness that reduces men to boys memories of silly chases around the park our first encounter with diseases cooties spread like the plague!
i need those girls that dance to techno and dress up up up the ones that smoke to get high i need those sassy firecrackers and subtle seductresses.
I need them strong and individualistic
i want you! but i want you to want you, and to trust yourself, and to make your own decisions
i want a strong independent women that seeks answers and asks me questions
i need a women that goes and cum's, seeks and allures, takes and gives
i need them wise and humble yet vain and sensual
i need to stop writing this shitty poem and find her
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