Never compromise your state of happiness
Make sure your reality is constantly improving
Improve someones reality
Never stop learning
Life is like a mountain trail;
As your hiking up this trail it's good to have different guides with you along this path. for one section of the journey you might have a bird expert who will point out all the awesome birds you would have missed without this guide. Another section of your life path maybe you might have a plant expert who will teach you all you need to know about those crazy plants. sometimes though, you must walk your path alone, with no distractions, so you can truly appreciate the serene quite beauty.
If your dating someone your not happy with and/or you are not learning from .. then what are you doing? wasting time, compromising your reality and your happiness.
lets face it; your not getting married before (hopefully) 28+++ so right now why don't you just enjoy the time you have with your special someone until it's time to move on and experience someone else.
experience is knowledge and knowledge is power, With great power you have so many more opportunities open for you.
Are we going to split hairs here?
people are fascinating. find out for yourself.
go through life like a buffet, after you have tried everything you will know with absolute certainty which dish you want eat for the rest of your life.
walking in the restaurant and going straight for the egg rolls is whack, you know it and i know it.
I just want you to be the best human being you can be.
Drake - November 18th (Chuck inglish remix)
Beaches and Friends (Hey Champ Remix) - French Horn rebellion
Be able to make yourself happy before trying to make someone else happy. Don't delude yourself into thinking you need someone to be happy.
For your own sake you need to love yourself or you will be forever lonely.
Treat yourself, Take the person in the mirror out on a date, you deserve it.
Rhubarb - Aphex twin
Double Happiness

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