On a related note ( read post below)
I feel i must impart on the world some wise words that were told to me by a prophet.
A wise Trinidadian i met in a bar some years ago (foufons electric)
at the time i was going through a painful break up. After a couple mugs of dutch courage i began socializing with strangers.
one of these strangers was a pink tuq totting Carlyel Williams
We began rapping about the world and its contents.
He would constantly give props after everyone of his statements, there were many.
His laugh was infectious.
He had a large mouth full of big pearly white teeth. He looked like a lion when he laughed.
He said he was an artist with a degree at Concordia. He made music, music that to his ears sounded like a cross between Bob Marley and Jimi Hendrix.
His Myspace describes his music and art as:
" original genres of Art and Music, which he calls Eternal Art and Music. Eternal Music is the sum total of the past,present, and future of Music. It is Music created beyond Time and Space"
If this were true then it seems that i had stumbled upon quite the Human Being.
I was surprised that small objects did not gravitate around this intellectually massive man.
Unsurprisingly the fact that my heart was broken came up in conversation.
I confided in him, this strange black man i had just met, that i was feeling quite down in the dumps and i missed my former lover.
He looked straight into my eyes, his dark pools seemed to drown my very soul, he said:
"There are two things wrong with this world. 1: Terrorism and number 2: Sex with your ex."
He bellowed out a mirthy laughter and knocked my knuckles with his.
Wise words from a prophet?
He gave me his demo cd and melted into the crowd.
Those words of wisdom have stayed with me all these years, and will continue to until the end of my physical life.
you see i believe that their is a great metaphysical meaning behind that little 2 point sentence.
since that faithful night i have only seen Mr. Williams 2 other times, the first time was when i was thoroughly intoxicated and i tried and failed to draw out more impressive statements about the world and the second time i saw him ridding a bike downtown, wearing his signature smile and pink tuq.
I suggest you visit his myspace, listen to his music and read his poetry.
at first, and probably at last you will be thoroughly turned off by what this artist is expressing, i know i am, but what do i know. i am no prophet
here is my... favorite...? poem of his:
This is the story of an aware man called LORD, his wife named MERCY, and another
person called A-N-D ........we don't know if A-N-D is a man or a woman....
Who cares anyway.....
LORD came home one night...
Found Mercy with A-N-D in a Patch...
I tell you
She was not only 'bare bottom'
She was also.......Bare Snatch'
LORD said....MERCY......What's happening Honey?
She said.....
Well....I am here gathering Experience....
LORD said....'That makes good common sense...To Me...
Lord said,
Well , I don't have to get 'TIED UP' by Victorian Morality
Because ' I am the LORD, and I know, much better,
Than to take this 'Personally',
So push over, MERCY....Let's have a Threesone,...HONEY....
That's the end of this true story...
I swear they are all living together....And Happy.....
Signed..... LORD, A-N-D, MERCY....
Thank You --------Merci......MERCY....
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