The Burning man Festival:
Once a year, during the first week of September, 40-50 thousand people gather in Nevada's Black Rock Desert (also known as "the playa") to create Black Rock City, a temporary metropolis dedicated to community, art, self-expression, pyrotechnics, music and self-reliance. They depart one week later, having left no trace whatsoever.
On the 6th day we burn a 30 meter wooden statue of a Man.
Before i arrived at burning man i was dedicated to writing an article explaining burning man to those less fortune souls who haven't attended, although within the first 6 hours of arriving i realized that it was impossible. Trying to explain burning man to someone is like trying to explain the color blue to a blind person.
I could tell you what i experienced at burning man, what i learned, who i met and the things i saw but i cannot explain the magic found in this city. The magic that finds it's way into your heart and soul like the deserts dust finds it's way into everything you own.
What i will write about is the things i learned, and there are many. Burning man has a peculiar way of changing someone, or at least changing certain views they have.
A big part of this festival is the Gift economy. Everyone at burning man gives without expecting anything in return, they only expect the silent promise that somewhere down the line you will give/help another person/stranger/friend. therefore you can't spend money at this event, the only things you can buy are found at Center camp; coffee and ice. I was walking down the street one day wearing my signature yellow sunglasses and a man stopped me and told me that he fond my shades to be quite loud indeed. He said he had somethign that would make them louder, his neon colored shirt. He took his shirt off and gave it to me. no questions asked, i thanked him with a hug and he went on his merry way. Giving feels great. Since Burning man i find myself being much more generous and it feels amazing. To give without expecting anything in return is a beautiful act that should more present in our western society. Unfortunate because it was my first time at this wonderful event i did not have much to give. All i had in my pouch of wonders was advice, hugs, good conversation and compliments, which i certainly used as much as possible.
Like any other festival Burning man has copious amounts of mind altering substances. What happens to your brain and body when exposed to 107 degree heat, moisture wicking off your body and dehydrating you within minutes. The mind-altering experience of Burning Man is its own drug. Now I'm not one to look down my nose at drugs but there are/were a couple that i had preconceived notions off and therefore decided i would never try. i stayed in a theme camp of 30+ individuals, all of whom were very interesting and who i have forged strong relationships with. . Like good open minded individuals 95% of them consumed drugs and alcohol. At least 50 % dropped acid and/or pills a couple times during the festival. At first this might sound terrifying but i quickly realized that drugs aren't the evil dooers there made out to be but rather the real bad boy is excess. In the end there are so many things out there in this wide world that are bad for you why would you section of a couple that have the potential of making you feel great and/or let you experience the world in a whole new way. Everything in moderation. A glass of milk is good for you and tastes great but 15 of those mutha fuckers will give you a hell of a time. what i'm saying is don't say no to something that might seem dangerous on the outside but can be quite a bit of fun. just make sure your taking it in moderation. 1 pill of ecstasy feels greattttt but 15 of those mutha fuckers will kill you, same with aspirin.
As i met and became friends with the 30+ individuals that were staying in my camp i realized that people are interesting. People have life stories to tell and learn from. people can be beautiful beings and as a 15 year burning man veteran told me " every individual is a work of art" I met some amazing people, from the 39 year old writer who helped out with the Titanic movie and lives in L.A and has lived all over the planet from England, Montreal, New Zealand and the Salomon islands to name but a few. The 21 year old flower child from Long island who was moving to Glasgow to peruse her studies in Photography. the 51 year old biker who drew many of the animations for the old Disney movies. The 28 year American ex Realtor who moved to the British Virgin islands once the housing debacle started and is now living the life as a yacht salesman/ nightclub Dj. The self proclaimed nerdy Asian boy from orange county who studies in Biomedical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Material Science Engineering at UC Irvine and who supplied the entire camp with some of the purest Ecstasy this side of the Atlantic.
I could go on for pages.
all this to say if you stop and talk to someone, not at some seedy nightclub, you'll more then likely find that this person is very interesting and this person might be someone you would befriend. so take the time to get to know people, you never know who your going to meet.
The last story i would like to share with you is very dear to my heart.
One night, the flower child, her friend (who had the biggest and brightest smile i have ever seen) the writer and myself all went to the Opulant temple. The opulant temple is a rave scene with the best lineup of dj's in the world every single day. The dj booth is a head. The dj's spin in the mouth, the eyes and head are beams of fire that shoot out. The dance floor is surrounded by columns of flame that periodically erupt and in the back there are 3 platforms about 10 feet up that you can dance on.
That night was the first time i experienced Ecstasy, the drug, supplied by none other then the Nerdy asain boy from Orange county. we all had some. yum! I started dancing with these 3 amazing people and after about 40 minutes i realized that i was NOT enjoying myself.. i was feeling down and sick and i was reconsidering ever taking drugs again.
then i sat down
and i started to feel slightly better
The writer came and sat down next to me and got real close. He asked me how i was doing. i told him i was not doing well but i'm feeling better now that i'm seated. He put his arm around me and gestured expansively at the scene in front of us. remeber now i'm sitting down at a rave of thousands of people who are dressed ridicoulosy if they are dressed at all, fire spewing from all around us and from the dj booth with some of the best rave music to be heard. the Writer said " you see all this fire and art and sculptures? aren't they beautiful and majestic, imagine the time it took to make all this... i replied "ya ya i guess"
He said " and the music! isn't it the best music and dj'ing you have ever heard!?" Armin Van buren, voted the best dj in the world was currently in motion. i said " ya i guess your right buddy"
then he said " and you see these beautiful people dancing and enjoying life and enjoying this music, isn't it wonderful!, aren't they beautiful!" i said " your absolutely right"
he put his hand on my shoulder looked me deep in the eyes he came in close and said " see all this, .... this is all here fore you, it's all here for you"
and from then on i had the most amazing night of my life.
when your having a bad day just look around and realized that its all here for you. if your not having a good time then it's your fault because everything is here for you to have a good time so enjoy it.
The Burning man festival was the best time of my life. I have come away from it with so many priceless memories. For most people, such as myself, the burning man festival is a life changing event. I implore everyone out there who has or wishes to have an open mind and a great experience to attend this event.
rough draft
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