Carlyle Williams
remember this impressive man
I have found his place of creativity, his lair of love, his cave of concoctions
3 years later, substantial words were exchanged between him and i with an invitation to drink, un hindered, by this fountain of knowledge.
The story begins
a Photo shoot was planned between myself and this girl.. Photogenic bliss yes that's me on her cover page, and yes my eyes do look like a stoned Asian on a bright summers day..
she had planned a ....."grudge" style photo shoot in the old Montreal
that was rather far from where our original meeting location was, Loyola campus.
i immediately came up with the idea of venturing on a rooftop i frequuent, i use this rooftop for drinking and conversational use by myself and a good friend of mine only for therapeutic social purposes of course.
A rooftop! what a great place to have a photo shoot especially with a theme of GRUNGE !
we walked over and proceeded to climb up the fire escape.
of course it was a little less than legal but the rush is priceless
as soon as i got half way up i heard the familiar wailing's of an artist i had met many years ago
could it be?
Carlyle Williams!
it was him who was singing/yelling.
as soon as i got to his floor i saw him! big bellied black man with beard and tuq
i pointed to him and yelled
he, sitting on a chair with arms behind back, almost expecting me, laughed!
"remember me? we met 3 years ago at that bar Foufouns electric we spoke of love and life!?"
"ah oui je souvien, tu parle francias oui? come inside"
he was speaking french to me.. why? lets roll with it.
he invited me inside, i crawled through the open window excited like a young boy who has found a box of fire crackers.
he showed me his art which was a combination of papier mache and sculptures, later my awkward photographer, standing in the window frame, clueless, and looking rather terrified of this hairy black behemoth said " his art is so sexual!"
of course it is you silly women! he is Carlyle Williams!
anyway as i am an empathetic bastard i quickly ended our re-acquaintance with a promise of seeing him soon.
i will keep that promise and i will come back with friends who have open ears for the knowledge BELLOWED out from this entity
as i finished the shoot, walked back down the fire escape and walked away Carlyel Williams pooped his head out of the window and let out a yell/roar louder then i have heard a man yell.. we turned back to see what was all the fuss! he looked at me from the third floor of his loft, yelling and fanning his arms out as if to salute an Egyptian god, maybe i was that Egyptian god?, taken off guard all i could yell back was " take care Carlyel, keep your mangoes fresh" with a diminutive and awkward thumb up salute.
He still would wrap his knuckles to mine after every sentence he would melodically and poetically produce, he still laughs like a lion, he still sings and produces art
He is still Carlyel Williams, hear him roar!
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