Oxmo Puccino - Soleil du Nord
His rhymes are very clever, well written and, well, not so well spoken considering his Haitian/Parisian accent and his slight lisp. nevertheless this song is beautiful. The video is equally as smile inspiring.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Got Junk..? he's jonezing
gotta sleep gotta sleep as tired as a one gram meth snorter my boss in another life, he's a hoarder looking down at me as if you had actually finished those 27 credits 47 single alone no one to bone but you live for the Junk not the same as the junk you did god knows what for in Vancouver gettin stiff now no longer a mover, goin to yoga to get limber sex life in mind but that tree has already heard that echo TIMBERRRRRRR!feathers easily ruffled ..still alone though and your tears are muffled, balls popping out of ya pants cause it's been so long since they've shared a dance tongue like a snake around the big boss your laugh is fake for goodness sake your mind is totally baked clean shaven head filled with lead but really balding when you talk it's scalding you hold the respect of a naked streaking Hitler impersonator you negative imperfect searching masturbator
Friday, October 16, 2009
Empire of the Joss

I have a friend
His name is Joss and he has long hair like me
Joss has very interesting taste in music.
the more obscure/wierd and 80's/synth inspired it is the harder he gets
he sent me this the other day and i smiled because this is so Joss
at first i was like " damn this shit is weird, i no like".. but as the video progressed i felt confused. I wasn't sure if i hated this music or i love it!? i knew i liked the deep voice clips at the end but is that enough of a tipping point? you be the judge
be sure to check out Empire of the Sun's other music video, there all weird and crazy yyy y
also i find that the lead singer reminds me of the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland...
oh and these are the same guys who sing this popular radio broadcasted song :
Empire of the sun - Walking on a dream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMJjF4LHOkY
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
go out there and make someone feel comfortable

As Carllyl williams says " no sex with the ex"
what about sex with his ex?
Le Pix - Euro tennis
I was reminded of something this weekend.
my ability to make someone feel extremely comfortable.
there are plenty of men out there, some are close friends of mine, who try and be the biggest players out there. they try and sleep with anything that moves.
that's all well and good but what about those things that moves?
they have feelings too don't they?
maybe instead of trying to get another notch on your bedpost you should set out to make someone happy.
make them happy by making them feel comfortable with you.
if you really want to be some kind of casa nova who goes through women faster then used clinex then the key is not too spend a lot of dosh, look good all the time, tell women cheesy lines..
the key is to make them feel comfortable
that should be the main goal.
i get as much satisfaction, if not more, from having a girl tell me " i feel really comfortable with you Will" then from actually sleeping with a girl
fucked up right?
well I'm just weird like that.
go out there and make someone feel comfortable
don't make it a game
just make it part of who you are
you'll be a better person and make more people smile
i'll be honest with you
last night i was reminded of how, as a 17 year old horny douche, i made a girl feel very uncomfortable
i didn't force her to do anything, she could have said no, but i had gained her trust and then used it to "cop a feel" which made Her Feel very uncomfortable
and that's why she broke up with me
i had always thought it was because i wasn't good enough to be her bf
she told me the truth last night
ironic how this comes after i realize that i love to make people, especially girls, feel comfortable.
you should never try to acquire somethign by force
like a Chinese finger trap
anyways mayonnaise
be a good person
you`ll go farther.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Stay Gold
My Burningman buddy wrote me on Facebook and told me to "stay gold ponyboy"
and right after i read it this is what came on the tub
then i came
Mika - We are golden
and right after i read it this is what came on the tub
then i came
Mika - We are golden
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Le Gym
Yesterday, for the first time in 4 months, i worked out at Le Gym.. the Concordia University gym.
If your body is a temple then this place is Home Depot, but with way better looking people.
i use to frequent this gym quite often last semester but ever since i started working at 1 800 got junk, a very physically demanding job i just didn't have the strength to drag my puppies over to Le Gym.
Now i do!
I have too
keeping fit and in shape is so vital to your well being, not just physically.. obviously but for your mental health as well
working out regularly can help you deal with stress and your emotions so much better.
ever since i stopped training I HAVE DEFINITELY FELT A lack of ability in dealing with said stress and emotions.
Everyone should train! it puts you in such a good mood. here are some other benefits in sexy bullet point form:
-helps deal with stress and emotion
-makes you feel all tingly inside
-makes you look super sexy and delicious
-makes you healthier
-gives you a good hour of beautiful eye candy
-makes you stronger argggggg!!
as i walked into LE Gym, after paying for my membership, (50 Bones for 2 1/2 months yo!) i inhaled the deep aroma of hormones and funcky smells. Delicious
and oh my the sights! the beautiful Concordia women sweating it out and putting in oh so much of an effort to stay healthy and look beautiful
i appreciate the effort girls, keep on sweating
if you don't keep in shape somehow then no worries.. it just means your going to die sooner.. and you look disgusting .. but hey fat people need loving too.. but they gotta pay
If your body is a temple then this place is Home Depot, but with way better looking people.
i use to frequent this gym quite often last semester but ever since i started working at 1 800 got junk, a very physically demanding job i just didn't have the strength to drag my puppies over to Le Gym.
Now i do!
I have too
keeping fit and in shape is so vital to your well being, not just physically.. obviously but for your mental health as well
working out regularly can help you deal with stress and your emotions so much better.
ever since i stopped training I HAVE DEFINITELY FELT A lack of ability in dealing with said stress and emotions.
Everyone should train! it puts you in such a good mood. here are some other benefits in sexy bullet point form:
-helps deal with stress and emotion
-makes you feel all tingly inside
-makes you look super sexy and delicious
-makes you healthier
-gives you a good hour of beautiful eye candy
-makes you stronger argggggg!!
as i walked into LE Gym, after paying for my membership, (50 Bones for 2 1/2 months yo!) i inhaled the deep aroma of hormones and funcky smells. Delicious
and oh my the sights! the beautiful Concordia women sweating it out and putting in oh so much of an effort to stay healthy and look beautiful
i appreciate the effort girls, keep on sweating
if you don't keep in shape somehow then no worries.. it just means your going to die sooner.. and you look disgusting .. but hey fat people need loving too.. but they gotta pay
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
I Wish
I wish my punctuality would be as infectious as laughter.
I wish people could laugh at themselves a little more.
I wish people would figure out that vanity and egotism bloom from the seeds of insecurity.
I wish people were as generous in real life as the beautiful souls i met at Burning Man
I wish more people would just say Yes.
I wish people would be more interested in improving their, and other peoples reality.
I wish people would keep their word more often.
I wish people would not lose interest so quickly.
I wish people would get off of Chris Browns back.
I wish people would stop acting ridiculous.
I Wish everyone was as interested in me as i am of them.
I wish people would stop taking everything so seriously.
I wish people would be more curious.
I wish people would look deeper into what others are telling them.
I wish he would find what he is looking for
I wish she would understand
I wish they would do something with their lives.
I wish I would be able to make you all smile.
I wish you were here

Monday, October 5, 2009
This is why i want to go to japan.
Akane is the Japanese word for red.
another, less prominent reason, i would like to ninja-water-run over to Japan is the small bar culture.
I'd totally Godzilla that place.

and by godzilla i mean I'd be to tall for the entries and i would just straight up walk through their paper thin walls
oh and also for this :P
talk about smelling like fish
Akane is the Japanese word for red.
another, less prominent reason, i would like to ninja-water-run over to Japan is the small bar culture.
I'd totally Godzilla that place.

and by godzilla i mean I'd be to tall for the entries and i would just straight up walk through their paper thin walls
oh and also for this :P
talk about smelling like fish

hppy birth.. wait can i kiss you?
i had quite the ridiculous weekend. i would rather not explain, online, in great detail, the events that transpired, but i will bullet point it for you
sushi dinner
korova bar
copious amounts of alcohol
friends new and old
making bad decisions
after party
not so very controlled substances
good conversation
copious amount of alcohol
lonely breakfast at cosoms
cool chic apartment on atwater
cool chic loft in old montreal
the word "No" being used quite often
the word "no" being used quite often
the hug train
work 3 year anniversary party
zip inning in rignaud
work dinner
tired hungover
41 hours no sleep
awesome birthday
Saturday, October 3, 2009
It's my Birthday!
It's my birthday!
and I'm up at 5:40 am to go to work
insights about how growing older is making me wiser to the world later
and I'm up at 5:40 am to go to work
insights about how growing older is making me wiser to the world later
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