As Carllyl williams says " no sex with the ex"
what about sex with his ex?
Le Pix - Euro tennis
I was reminded of something this weekend.
my ability to make someone feel extremely comfortable.
there are plenty of men out there, some are close friends of mine, who try and be the biggest players out there. they try and sleep with anything that moves.
that's all well and good but what about those things that moves?
they have feelings too don't they?
maybe instead of trying to get another notch on your bedpost you should set out to make someone happy.
make them happy by making them feel comfortable with you.
if you really want to be some kind of casa nova who goes through women faster then used clinex then the key is not too spend a lot of dosh, look good all the time, tell women cheesy lines..
the key is to make them feel comfortable
that should be the main goal.
i get as much satisfaction, if not more, from having a girl tell me " i feel really comfortable with you Will" then from actually sleeping with a girl
fucked up right?
well I'm just weird like that.
go out there and make someone feel comfortable
don't make it a game
just make it part of who you are
you'll be a better person and make more people smile
i'll be honest with you
last night i was reminded of how, as a 17 year old horny douche, i made a girl feel very uncomfortable
i didn't force her to do anything, she could have said no, but i had gained her trust and then used it to "cop a feel" which made Her Feel very uncomfortable
and that's why she broke up with me
i had always thought it was because i wasn't good enough to be her bf
she told me the truth last night
ironic how this comes after i realize that i love to make people, especially girls, feel comfortable.
you should never try to acquire somethign by force
like a Chinese finger trap
anyways mayonnaise
be a good person
you`ll go farther.
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