I wish my punctuality would be as infectious as laughter.
I wish people could laugh at themselves a little more.
I wish people would figure out that vanity and egotism bloom from the seeds of insecurity.
I wish people were as generous in real life as the beautiful souls i met at Burning Man
I wish more people would just say Yes.
I wish people would be more interested in improving their, and other peoples reality.
I wish people would keep their word more often.
I wish people would not lose interest so quickly.
I wish people would get off of Chris Browns back.
I wish people would stop acting ridiculous.
I Wish everyone was as interested in me as i am of them.
I wish people would stop taking everything so seriously.
I wish people would be more curious.
I wish people would look deeper into what others are telling them.
I wish he would find what he is looking for
I wish she would understand
I wish they would do something with their lives.
I wish I would be able to make you all smile.
I wish you were here

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