an Olympus table
my friends and i gathered around.
because we are like the Greek gods of old. we are all mighty mofo's better then most people, it true. we have gone places, done things, we have stories to tell, experiences to relate, knowledge to give.. we can be thrown into most situations and take hold of it. we are open to most things, we have higher then average IQ's, we are, for the most part, in good physical shape, we are all attractive inside and out, we can sell ourselves and and our ideas, we can command and contribute to any conversation.
we might not be the kings of a bar room yet we carry a quiet confidence knowing who we are.
and yes some of you are lucky to talk to us.
none of us are truly the same, actually we are all quite different. inspiring others to say things like "you guys are so different from each other ..why do you guys hang out"? ..julia...
i think it's because we realize each others power and respect it. we are different in musical tastes, sports, hobbies extra but we all share that intensity, that spark, that power that makes us the best at what we do.
as Will Smith once said " once you stop learning and getting challenged by a friend then you should find other friends" or something along those lines
we should all gather for a festival around a huge mahogany Olympus table drinking the finest ale, striking up the most intriguing conversations, laughing and toasting in the heavens. only gods can be invited to this endless round table. enjoying life like only gods can.
Drew: Poseidon
Tom v: Hades god of wealth
Rory: Dionysus
Patrick: Apollo
Paul S: Hephaestus
Nick F: Zeus
Will C: Eros
Paul M: Hermes
Andre L: Caerus
Ward S/Joshua C: Momus
Brooke N: Alectrona
Alana M: Antheia
Brendhan M: Priapus
extra extra extra
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