woke up nice and early, coffee, pancakes.. the works.. went to work chipper as Alvin getting his nuts gathered by the chipmunks .. went to my first job .. 1000 de la commune east.. where a bunch of hockey players live.. started clearing gyp rock from this one apartment when one of those slippery bastids slips and hits me on the face

went to the hospital and got me some of that skin glue to glue me back together again
"thanks for stichin me up doc" i said to the hot Spanishsomething lady doctor..i've always wanted to say that
so i got the rest of the day and the week off! woot woot! i went x-mas shopping and came home and downloaded music all day! yay! "ya right internet like i'm gona pay for music bahahahah"
look what i found:
Dj Hell - Electronic Germany
That one is German robot Nazis taking over Europe scaring all the civilians away..manifest destiny turn this green world metallic
Dj Hell - The disaster Ink (needle remix)
This one is 2 well dressed men wearing suits and sunglasses driving a Ferrari, weaving in and out of traffic at 200 mph, delivering an important package to a very powerful Women, getting chased by bad men, really bad men but no worries cause the dude driving shotgun has a big fucking automatic rifle, Drew doesn't take no shit, takes them out and they slip away.
Kadebostan - Monkey Swing (Straight to the Zoo Mix)
this on is so jungle funky bipedal Black panther adventure on a full moon hunting who? hunting YOU! nah.. really hunting the bastid snake charmer with his Aladdin shoes and multi colored turban through a sweaty deadly jungle, he runs on the ground tripping over his robe and Aladdin shoes , you swing from the trees .. looks like your having Indian tonight
and last but not least for this evening:
We love Animals (Feat Soulwax & Mixhell) - Crookers
an empty industrial loft filled with stuffed animals... silence..vibrations? BOOM! the animals explode into ravers! havin a ravin good time the craziest rave you eva seen son! the cops bust the joint.. "shit whats all these stuffed animals doing in this loft... "
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