Dexplicit - Machine man
Dexplicit - The Alien
La Roux vs. Little boots - stuck on the kill
we are wolves
we are lions
we are cunning carnivores cocky kids looking for cunt
always on the prowl look for fresh meat, because it's all about the kill
it's about the pack, it's about the pride, its about marking our territory and constantly looking for more. we smile with only hints of our canines. we don't have your best interest in mind. we will run you down, ambush you, corner you, bleed you out till you have no more fight left to fend us off succumbing to our bites and growls.
will invite you into our den, glimpses of our heart. and wow that's shinny. showing our weakness, because aren't weakness attractive. but only teeth and claws lie behind those shinny hearts and awe's.
we are animals, everyone is an animal, the difference is we have chosen to hunt, instead of being hunted. it's a dog eat dog world out there and if your not biting your getting bitten .
we have banded together, strength in numbers.
not all the same, different breeds of claws and teethes, strength in variety. Lions tigers and bears oh my, that makes one hell of a pride you can't out run a cheetah, out wrestle a bear, out think a lion. out there in the wild you'll only notice the ones who choose to be seen, the ones with the Big manes the flashy coats, it's all for the team, and while your dazed by the way we boast one of us will pounce and babe your toast. we sacrifice for each other, if one is fed then rest will endure.
ya we have a hierarchy, the alpha's eat before the beta's and that don't cause no vendetta, just respect. and some of us can be fed on a few pecks. our appetite not always voracious cause some of us like quality over quantity so watch out if your bodacious.
you can believe we stalk, circling, looking for weakness... everyone has a weakness. just because your a doe eyed tough chick with a big rack, long hair and totally stacked doesn't mean you can take all of us. your either strong, fast or cunning, rarely all 3 some are 2 , those ones are fun, one way or another your going down... on one of us. all we gotta do is match the predator to the prey.
we come from behind, some of us aggressive enough to come from the front, in plain sight, mocking you with your impending doom. sully wully the hyena laughing disgust dripping from his jaws
ya you'll find us in the same place most of time. figured out our goals, our hunger.
well shit now its time to move on. we have hunted this watering hole dry. all that's left are the weak and inebriated and how easy is it to take down a weak kneed slam pig smelling of mead.
it's time for bigger prey.
its time we organize our hunt.
we are bears hear us roar for rory
we are hyena's, hear us laugh for sully
we are panthers, hear us growl for tom
we are wolves hear us howl for drew
we are tigers hear us roar for will
we are caracal's hear us hiss for harry
we are wolverines hear us growl for brendhan
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