Check out this beautful art i found on the web
i was eating lunch at the Alexis Nihon food court last week when i was struck with a sudden urge to write.
as i looked at all the young foolish dawsonites, eating my brie chicken sandwhich listening to a fantastic Save the cannibals podcast by illich mujica i ripped open an excel gum cartridge and i wrote this little diddy..( i would love to show a picture but i am lazy and don'tknow how to upload photos from my phone to this computer)
Good posture solves problems
and if we all stood a little taller we might become enlightened with what we haven't seen
i wish i could mail my eyes around the world to see the seas and the soldiers of seductive sensuality
the sound my ears would make as i throw them off the tallest building bass jumping to foreign beats
employing my nose to work in the worlds olfactories
gifting the curve of my smile to all those who need to swing away sadness
giving my tounge the task of tasting the tid bits of truths and thank you's
my hands to hold the hundreds of handsome harlots
my arms to embrace the antagonizing arsenal of armies, squeezing away thier worries and warheads
my feet to furiously fight the facade of foolish fallacies
my dance moves to move you for a moment....
muttering away madness with heavy mastadon footmarks
you are somebody
all this is something
but expect nothing and appreciate everything
It's all here for you
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