They discussed space like practicle philosphers
farting away sloppiness
cleaning couragiously living freely
working like honey bees dripping the sweet necter of organization
agreeing on aestetics and smileing while solving
late night catergorical kareoke
gangster rap and apartment maps
mountain bikes and dirtiness dislike
they were so neat
a beautiful place where i feel comfertable taking a seat
this poem is for the fools who are the lazy muels
for the no getters and the dirty jet setters
forgetting mittens in kitches and leaving the bathroom
a dirty doom
and dirty disches shy away the pretty bitches
no plants create can'ts
and we can't breath
and too much mead creates a greed for not doing your deed
sloppiness comferts you with a temporary bliss
with nothing to do on your list but miss
and this infected apartment becomes a cist
of personal hygiene Dis!
a clean room creates thoughts with no mentals 'nots"
space for your mind to breath and your ideas to feed so they can breed
which in turn gets the pretty girls over to slurp your seed
and it seems like thats all we need
to stop being obscene and start being clean
now thats the dream
for a great flat
a place to live and be a proper clean cat
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