In the past couple months i have had more people flake on me then i thought was possible... 90 + % of all dates that i have set up with people (mostly women obviously) have not gone through
WHAT THE FUCK!? do you lack all respect for me as a human being
maybe its just the way i was raised. my father always thought me to be on time, punctuality is everything it demonstrates respect and just good breeding.
being late or worse canceling/not showing up is so disrespectful. there is a serious lack of empathy.
what the hell do i do now that our date that i have planned/groomed/thought about for a while is no longer existent
it's like you mutha fucka were raised in a fucking barn
some peopel have ligetimate excuses but do not coduct themselves in legitimate ways
i NEVER flake.. i'm always on time ..does this just make me better then you? PROBABLY
jesus christ look at your calendar before making dates, and if your going on one you don't want to go on then don't set up a date in the first place .. you tools
if you have a last minute thing or wtv to do then either post pone that shit, cause u made plans with me FIRST, or set up an actual rain check for a certain time.. not a fucking fable of a rain check .. the 12th of never doesn't come around .. trust me i have waited for it.
I loose so much respect for people who flake but I'm just to nice with you guys to bitch you out and i try real hard to set up that rain check ...
i never make plans with people i don't like, i rarely cancel, and i never FLAKE
this post is long over due, it's directed to not one but all of you... I'm sick of eating proverbial corn flakes instead of having a good, intellectually stimulating and exciting time with you
please realize that there's no reason to skip out on a good time
if i set up a date with you it's probably because i find you interesting and i want to get to know you better ..not just because i wana FUCK you ...although if we find each other interesting enough then why not
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