Friday, December 31, 2010
The New Year
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
for my Brother

I will conquer what has never been conquered.
Defeat will not be in my creed.
I will believe where all those before me have doubted.
I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor and respect of my team.
I have trained my mind and now my body will follow!
who am i?
i am Warrior
I will acknowledge the fact that I am an elite warrior who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by any means at my disposal.
I accept the fact that my team expects me to move further, faster and fight harder than our opponents. Never shall I fail my comrades.
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be.
One hundred percent and more
who am i?
I am Warrior
Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained warrior.
My heart and my soul will be the fuel to carry my body when my limbs are to weary.
I will never falter, I will never lose focus as long as there is hope in my mind and my heart still beats.
I will never give in to the evil that is weakness and I will fight that evil with my dying breath.
who am i?
i am Warrior
Energetically will I meet my enemies, no one will challenge me, none will stop me from my goal.
I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Champion’s word.
I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall at the hands of my enemy and under no circumstances will I ever surrender.
who am i?
i am Warrior
Readily will I display the discipline and strength required to fight on to my objective and I will complete my mission.
I will rise when I fallen. I will rip the heart from my enemy and leave it beating on the ground. My enemy need not fear me but he will respect me and if he does not.
I will make him respect me with all that I have to give.
who am i?
i am Warrior
History will remember my name and he will not have to be kind.
For I will have denied his criticisms and put in my own praise, No one will define me, no one will tell me what I can achieve, none will say I have not given all I have to give and none will take my glory.
Who am i?
i am Warrior!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
to my roomates

They discussed space like practicle philosphers
farting away sloppiness
cleaning couragiously living freely
working like honey bees dripping the sweet necter of organization
agreeing on aestetics and smileing while solving
late night catergorical kareoke
gangster rap and apartment maps
mountain bikes and dirtiness dislike
they were so neat
a beautiful place where i feel comfertable taking a seat
this poem is for the fools who are the lazy muels
for the no getters and the dirty jet setters
forgetting mittens in kitches and leaving the bathroom
a dirty doom
and dirty disches shy away the pretty bitches
no plants create can'ts
and we can't breath
and too much mead creates a greed for not doing your deed
sloppiness comferts you with a temporary bliss
with nothing to do on your list but miss
and this infected apartment becomes a cist
of personal hygiene Dis!
a clean room creates thoughts with no mentals 'nots"
space for your mind to breath and your ideas to feed so they can breed
which in turn gets the pretty girls over to slurp your seed
and it seems like thats all we need
to stop being obscene and start being clean
now thats the dream
for a great flat
a place to live and be a proper clean cat
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
get on ya feet
and flap away fallacies
and just like a bird poetry can go tweet tweet
boy get on ya feet
poetry wants to make u fly and get you high
and we know u livin in the ghetto, getting high
maybe if ya stop getting high and start getting HIGH!
you're ideas would multiply and put you in the sky
now sometimes poetry can make you cry
something you'd rather deny
but let me tell you something
tweet tweet get on ya feet
bot them old country bumpkins
tweet tweet now get on ya feet
poetry will make you believe
and oh boy it will help you grieve
tweet tweet boy i hope you on ya feet
now poetry might make your 9 ta 5 seemed stupified
and it's not making sense
well start making dollars and get the pretense to start making some future dispense
**** came up with that in the shower and it kinda just ends there for now...tweet tweet
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Shitty Poems

Check out this beautful art i found on the web
i was eating lunch at the Alexis Nihon food court last week when i was struck with a sudden urge to write.
as i looked at all the young foolish dawsonites, eating my brie chicken sandwhich listening to a fantastic Save the cannibals podcast by illich mujica i ripped open an excel gum cartridge and i wrote this little diddy..( i would love to show a picture but i am lazy and don'tknow how to upload photos from my phone to this computer)
Good posture solves problems
and if we all stood a little taller we might become enlightened with what we haven't seen
i wish i could mail my eyes around the world to see the seas and the soldiers of seductive sensuality
the sound my ears would make as i throw them off the tallest building bass jumping to foreign beats
employing my nose to work in the worlds olfactories
gifting the curve of my smile to all those who need to swing away sadness
giving my tounge the task of tasting the tid bits of truths and thank you's
my hands to hold the hundreds of handsome harlots
my arms to embrace the antagonizing arsenal of armies, squeezing away thier worries and warheads
my feet to furiously fight the facade of foolish fallacies
my dance moves to move you for a moment....
muttering away madness with heavy mastadon footmarks
you are somebody
all this is something
but expect nothing and appreciate everything
It's all here for you
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Mildred and the Mice
Thursday, November 4, 2010
whale music
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
well Mofo Check this crazy shit out:
Last Thursday i went to a fantastically refreshing techno party at belmont where i ran into my
yes i know! this dude was wearing sandles in the winter, had a toe nailed painted (mine are all painted) had long ass hair, taller then me but same build and had similar style. he's Australian, we both love traveling and enjoying life and everything around us.. we're both on a jounrey of discovery, self discover , self improvement ect... he's spent the summer in Europe, he's now in montreal till monday then he's off to califronia then mexico.. i'm very jealous..we promised we'd travel togther sometime in the future..
now without keeping you waiting any longer check it out:
Justin A Will.C

Will.C Justin A

Will.C Words of Wisdom: "It's all here for you"
Justin. A Words of Wisdom "Expect nothing appreciate everything"
go out there and find someone who reminds you of yourself in some ways, maybe that person will see themselves in you...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
open sky sensual sessions
sky in which she gives us the following passage:
Even the gentlest attention to the often ignored area which links the anal depression to
the triangle where the labia meet—that underrated rut between the arsehole and the
begging of the cunt—is guaranteed to subjugate me, and feeling the air against that part
of my body is more intoxicating than high altitude. (p. 102)"

i realized, sadley, that i have never had sex under the open sky.... this needs to change
Fuck it dude, let's go surfing
check it out it's visually stunning
It's a re-dramatization of this dude 'Rob Macado's" wonderings around the world
it's shot and put togther in the same way i would like to shoot and put togther my festival show, just so stunnign your nto sure if the shots are staged or not ( they obviously are) for my show i would try and not stage the shots i would just make them so awesome it would make you winder :P
The Drums - Surfing
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
we become each other

and all i want is to be personified and loved in a poem
i wana be dreamt about and salvaited over,
well shit if i had a bucket for all the slobber thats been spilled because of my long hair and thin oddities i'd have a pool
its all about the quality of the water, i don't want to swim in a pool of regret
nay i'd rather lay in a puddle of youthful beauty.
pretty girls often smile my way
but beautiful women walk on past
maybe i'm not there yet
maybe you need to come get me
complementing my cool.. with yours
and we can dance youthful folly
she made me dance..once
that fucking beautiful hippie child that told me strange things about the world, silent old eyes gleaming sparkles of adventure, stories insuing wow's and awe's .
waves of realization .. i've surfed the beautiful hippie child wave,
pretty girls hating me for loving my beautiful hippie child ways slipping into the bed of well woven stories, wrapping you shawl like comforte, and most of them love the lions den the sharp claws within the soft paws, posters gateways to idelologies, nik-naks safty lines to my childhood, the rope held tenderly by my inner child, i would hate for him to lose his way,
and all this cushions your worries about my upbringing, i'm a good boy and sometimes you need a good boy
you don't give head to bad boys, you only fuck them
and my tounge can lick away your last minute resistance
because it's all here for you
and your comfort is key, thats what all the pillows are for
and you pretty girls fall so easily in a well made bed
when i have sucked the last interesting story, last shred of intrege, the final view you have of life i will blend you into an experience, freeze you in a moment in time, and tuck you away as another book in my library
just like you filed away my photo
shooting me down with you canon, Holga you see me in the dreamy colores, you have frozen me in a multi colored time machine taking me out less and less to remeber old memories, old philosphies, old stories i told.
i tripped and tried so hard not to fall, catching myself just before going over the edge
it still hurt though
and i have dug the same holes for sorry girls looking at them from up high , regretful pucker.. the last thing you see
its dark
i know, i've been there
you'll dig yourself out, and chalk it up to experience,
but how many times do we have to fall before flying
i wish i fell more
thats when you know your alive
hearts only break if their still beating
and god i love that cringful reminder
old alpha lions are full of scars and have the biggest pride
this smooth mane needs to get ruffled
young lions need to make mistakes
roaring for beautiful women
show me the world
show me love
show me how to fuck
make my primary concern your well being
i would love to be a slave to sparkeling eyes
and rainbow smiles,
heart on my sleeve a reminder that i still have one, long hair a reminder that i'm beautiful
interesting stories a reminder that i'm worthy of you, whoever , ... wherever you are.
please, break my heart

Sunday, October 17, 2010

As most of you know when i "grow up" i want to have my own travel show, i also want to have my own festival show...
basically i want to go to every single festival in the world and report on it ... low-budget, gorilla, reality style.. I'm thinking of naming it "wait, what?" or "where's the festival" or some such name.
fuck just reading the descriptions of some of these festivals is making me wet.
Here are the top ten festivals for October:
and if you have cash and want to plan a trip for next month here's the line up for November
i can go on and on
this is my dream
to spend the rest of my life at festivals and showing the world how much fun you can have
Top Picture from Resident
06. Iceland Airwaves
October 13 - October 17
Various Venues
Reykjavik, Iceland
Iceland has spent much of the last year in the spotlight for reasons not related to Björk or Sigur Rós. But while the tiny isle has imploded financially and exploded volcanically, downtown "101" Reykjavík is ready to get back to the business of music. This year's Airwaves will draft in Mount Kimbie's otherworldly dubstep mutations, stylised synth pop from Hurts, Robyn's pop confections and Moderat's multimedia experience, alongside a program that heavily features Icelandic acts and bands, doing what they do best throughout the district's bars, museums and airplane hangars.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Your Beautiful
i want to tell you all that i love you for being human, all your character flaws all your smiles damn i even love you for your qualities, but i want to see you dance more, i want to see that smile move.
it's all here for you godammit can't you see it , its not some half baked idea its a philosophy.
i think we could all be the best of friends, just be innately friendly and positive, reject negativity!
I think of all my friends and acquaintances and all the people i haven't met, i think about what i've seen and what i have yet to see.
i cannot comprehend most of the beauty in the world but shit at least i know it's there... i want you to realize it's there even if you can't see it, give yourself the opportunity to see it. put yourself in places where you might get glimpses
and everyone is beautiful no matter what YOU think. look beyond opinions ...
walk with your palms open, smile at strangers greet all the random ghosts that walk past you on the street
Rory your one of the only people that reads my blog and i hope to god you take deep breaths when you do i mean try and inhale what i'm preaching and use it in your own ways, your own ways to improve yourself and the people and places around you.
i just get sad and dishearten when i'm confronted by negative, judgmental, close minded people.
a persons first reaction to every scenario should be positive.
what kind of barbarian looks for the flaws in the world.
Life Happens Once.
enjoy it.
every time your upset, step back and think: am i choosing to be upset? and does this scenario really have control over my emotions?
nothing and no one can take away your choice to smile.
worrying gets you nowhere, especially if you have no control over the situation, deal with problems in the present as much as you can but if the solution lies in the future or it lied in the past then accept it and just be happy your alive.
come on just be happy, and try and make others happy.. what else is there?

I'm thankful for the places i've been this year, Scotland, New York, India, Burningman and the experiences i've had there.
I'm thankful for getting glimpses of the bigger picture
I'm thankful that i've remained perpetually Positive
I'm Thankful for my old friends who have been with me on this crazy journey
I'm thankful for the new friends i've made ; Danny, Sam, Lindsey, Chris, john and many more
I'm thankful for my Playa Names 'i'm here for you" but please call me "NorthStar"
I`m Thankful that i've seen the beauty of humanity even if sometimes it's shrouded in darkness or dirt
i'm thankful for taking time out
i'm thankful for my family
i;m thankful for thank you's
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Jupitar Sex
a stroll in an outworldy, neon, space park on some foriegn planet, not necessarily Jupitar.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
the man burns dude

Hey friends!
i haven't posted in a while... i haven't had my computer.. but now i do!
so many things to talk about i fear with my short attention span i wont be able to cover them all
first of all.. BurningMan
well what can i say.. i can tell you that Burning Man is my home. i know i sound like a crusty hippie, but shit maybe those crusty hippies have it right
Burning man.. it's a eutopian society for 8 days where 50,000 people come togther and practice intense generosity, radical self experession and self riliance.. 50,000 people are your best friends.
its hard to find someone who is not happy.
imagine a city built from nothing in the middle of the desert where people come to have the best time they can. where they let themselves express everything they could'nt back in the 'default world' a place where people will brake thier backs to be generose and nice and smilling...
(btw if your paying attention to my terrible speling then your missing the point)
it's definitly hard to go back to the default world where people are not tryign hard to be happy and nice. i mean you can't even hug strangers without lookign like a wierdo .. anyway i'm tired of preaching something that cannot be explained
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
thus far this blog is the bomb

Dilemma: I need experience to work as a bartender anywhere but no one will hire me unless i have experience, yet i'm probably better then half the other bartenders downtown.
had an interview at tonic club lounge... and the douche wouldn't even give me a shot.. i told him i'd go toe-to-toe with any of his bartenders for free and he didn't accept my challenge...
man finding a bar-tending job is hardddddd
check out this little article:
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Don't be a pessimiste
don't be all lonely, you have so many people who want you. and don't say your misunderstood or some such thing.
I want you.
ya.. you already know.. so... instead of feeling sorry for yourself for not having a man in your life why don't you ask me out for a drink? hmmmm?
you need a bit more sillyness in your life.. that's where i come in.
smile you silly goose
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
man as soon as i move out i'm gettin so much pussy
you;d think so
but then you realise for the first timein your life you dont have anyone to answer to or approve or disapprove of what you're doing
and that when you sleep till 2, jack off till your hands go raw, eat cookie dough ice cream in your bed, and 4 months later begin to ask yourself what the fuck happened
lol dude i do that now, i am jobless and i have a pool, a didgeridoo, great weed and i'm very sneaky
u know what i did tonight niggah
insert djembe where digeridoo, and job for jobless
and we're essentially the same person
i got high as shit and watched vampire in brooklyn and blood dimonds, jerked off twice, swam, tanned, jogged and played online games .. all day
love it
we shuld jam u got a djembe?
hells yes
drummmmm circle
oh shit so does paul and joss plays the guitar sounds like we gona have a CIRCLE
in the park in front at dawson
fuck ye
k man
while these conversations are enlightening as always
we must be off
i am currently still bleeding out the mouth
hahaha yes
to the land of dreams then
gonna take some hard perscription drugs
and meet you on the other side
keep them mangoes fresh brother
so juicy, so freshh
later gato
until the violence stops
shibop shewooo
Monday, August 9, 2010
your too cool i hate you
i feel my stone cold resolve dissolving away into the form of a lonely puppy.
Why do i fucking think about her!? like a lot.
i play the phone game too.. sometimes when I'm drinking I'll grab my phone out of my pocket flip it open then flip it closed and put it away.. constantly .. until i drink to much and i don't flip it closed..
that's when the magic happens
even the cleverest one-liner drunk texts are never in good taste.
i wana pounce on her like a rabid wolf and bite her neck true blood style.
it's ok though guys.. seriously don't worry, once i move downtown in 3 weeks all this pent up sexual frustration will be unleashed upon many beautiful young things...hopefully...
maybe it took 20 months for me to get over you even though i called it quits.
in hindsight though i know i only love the idea i have create of you. we would never work out, we're so similar and that makes it worse because it tricks me into thinking that maybe Carlyle Williams is full of shit and i should go on my own journey of past love re-discovery. the past is gone, it's something to be learned from and not repeated, you gotta look forward and the reason i keep looking back is because i see no special someone in my near future.
you were special
you are special
it looks like your having a blast, enjoying life, having sex, creating memories, smiling and dancing
i'm having fun too.. more then you can imagine ( i went to india for Christ-sake and burning man is around the corner).. but still i wouldn't mind a warm somebody in my bed at the end of the night.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Perfect morning

This is a recipe for a perfect morning
first you must wake up and wash your face with cold water.
then make yourself a gastronomical breakfast. in my case it's either some diabolical omelet or eggs cooked INSIDE a waffle! with cheese and maple fucking syrup!
a cup of coffee made with the freshest beans and water!
eat that shit up with the days paper next to your for light reading.
then comes the most important part of a perfect morning.
open up your computer, and dedicate the next 30 minutes to an hour listening to some crazy ass music! something up beat that makes you get up AND YELLL! AND DANCE!
extra points if your wearing funky pajamas, for today I'm wearing the famous Charbonneau night shirt; ( a long shirt reaching the knees with a large V neck button up collar.)
once your rock out session is complete go outside and stretch in the sunlight. then jump in the pool (sucks if you don't have one), again extra points if your butt naked.
Then take a steaming shower and put on your freshest of clothes.
(oh and don't forget to masturbate before noon)
Monday, July 26, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Who are my Alter egos you ask?
Pegasus Valentine: rich socialite, lives in Amsterdam owns art museum,most successful brothel in all of Europe as well as the Green Gogh ear bar. Famous for his Garden Parties
Leo Valentine: estranged bastard son of Pegasus. lives in L.A.. kinda of a surfer bum, one of the best in the world. has a job as a VJ for MTV L.A and has his own radio show as well as yoga studio, sneaker collection and event organizer.
Cyric DuMort: half french Swiss, half German. an extremely accomplished thief who deals in precious paintings and jewelery. He has stolen things from the queen of England, queen of Amsterdam, many popular museums around the world and various rich billionaires. he lives somewhere in Switzerland but has dozens of different passports. once tried to steal from Pegasus Valentine's Museum but was caught red handed by Pegasus. a martial arts battled ensued and they have now become good friends. Cyric sometimes does secret jobs of Pegasus
Greorgy Suede: the relaxed rose tinted owner of BluBlockers inc. somewhat of a well moderated alcoholic, rarely wears shirts and never takes of his blu blocker shades and signature beach hats. owns land around the world as well as a successful yacht company. good friend of Pegasus Valentine
Dawn Williamson: Anchor for CNN, well groomed, all American, red meat eating Citizen of the beautiful United States of America.. there's nothign he likes more then a walk in the park or a good debate. By night though he's an underground street racer by the name of Sunrise, no one has seen his face or knows who he is. all they know is that he is the baddest and fastest street racer in all of North America! a silent partner in a prestige's car modification garage. races to L.A to rave with his good friend Leo.. know one knows about his double life of raving and racing.
whenever making a tough decision always think; " what would these crazy mofo's do?"
Pegasus Valentine:

Friday, July 23, 2010
Gregory Suede
Gregory Suede
Gregory suede original inventor of the BluBlocker
what can you say about Gregory suede that wouldn't sound like an exaggerated fib
but in all truth he's a kind man, somewhat of an alcoholic and marijuana abuser, but still always carries a kind word for anyone passing by. He lives in the Bahamas, you all know where.
he lives in a private loft/villa style house by the point of the beach, lots of windows.
you see Mr. Suede believes in voyeurism and exhibitionism.. He "lets it all into his life." as he is often quoted as saying.
That may be one reason he rarely wears any kind of shirt ... No usually you'll see him in short shorts, a beach hat, some slip on's some crazy funky necklace and his signature blublockers.
he loves those things
in fact he never removes them.
the only thing he loves more then his blublockers is his manly bear beard that he strokes when in deep contemplation.
no one lives near him .. his land is rather large. its for the best anyway he plays loud 80's and techno music and plays that darn didgeridoo of his.
you see him at the local bar .. the crocodile tub.. its a martini bar for tourist but he's always there, martini or scotch in hand.
you know they let him smoke his weed inside now !
talk about a good customer
you also see him walking in town, no shirt on.. buying food or premium beer, charming the tourists.. he's rather well spoken, reserved in words but each sentence that comes out of his mouth has been magnificently gilded and delivered with precision.
Mr. Suede barely works, a couple phone calls and emails a day and the business is settled
a hearty breakfast and a cup of the finest Colombian java and his work is done before the Sunrises and when it does the cling of ice cubes on a glass or the spark of a match is soon to follow
you really have to be able to enjoy your own company if you can have dance parties at your mansion by yourself.. and we all know that with a drop of a hat his home would overflow with people for one of his famous parties.
I even heard that that Pegasus Valentine guy.. the rich socialite from Amsterdam comes to his parties.
i think one year someone got him some socks and shirts for his birthday as a joke and he used the socks as a head band and the shirt as a capes.. there are times when Mr. Suede is obliged to wear a shirt, when he goes on a business trip or some such thing.. but the most buttons anyone has every seen button on him has been 4, i heard it was on a skip trip in the alps
when he goes to a fashion show in a big city, another one of his pastimes, he'll button 1 or 2.. you can see how important Mr.Suede finds an occasion n the mainland by the number of buttons he's got buttoned
oh boy you hear how crazy it gets when he gets off that island and goes to rave in the big cities.. i heard shit gets wild.. it's a rare occasion but when you hear Gregory Suede's going be at a party or festival rave thing then you make sure to go to that party.
and you can always spot him out.. he'll be wearing his blublockers, a little hat, a big beard and a drink and or thin joint in his hand. He'll be dancing away a storm or chatting up the bartender girls, because they're the hardest ones to flirt with apparently, he always leaves the party with the prettiest and most interesting looking girls. Mr. Suede once said that the most attractive women are the one's that are trying something different.
he has an air of joyful nonchalance.. like everything is going perfectly well and will continue on forever
he's shared a number of drinks and doobs with the strangest people, celebrities, rock stars, his mail man, Muammar Gaddafi, he got high with the cheerleaders and mascot of the New England Patriots and it was caught on camera! Mr. Suede could convince anyone to relax, have a drink or a smoke and just "enjoy it all."
"would you care to Puff a Piff" he always says
oh man he's enjoying life that Gregory Suede .. if you're looking to relax then take a chapter out of his book and enjoy a summers day , no shirts aloud, sunglasses a must, good music, a good substance at hand, short shorts, comfortable shoes and a stroll through the neighborhood
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
rock and roll ?
i've started to get into ROCK N' ROLL!
check this shiz out
and this
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm reading Hagakure "The book of the Samurai" by Yamamoto Tsunetomo
this book is a collection of thoughts and ideals of a samurai
this particular passage pertains to me right now
"in affaires like law suits or even in arguments, by losing quickly one will lose in fine fashion. it is ike Sumo wrestling.
if one thinks only of winning, a sordid victory will be worse that defeat."
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
he fell for her
you fell for her feller
and it was youthful bliss perpetuating epiphanies
and oh boy did you smile , and she smiled
you bought 2 tickets for that roller coaster called love
you bought those highs and low's
I've been down that road brother, i've taken that hellish boat ride
Love takes you to the wildest places, but remember your never alone..
you got your homies your brothers your dogs and shit i'm sorry if i sound gangster but shit this is some hard core stuff
love is picking and choosing the things you like in a person and just like inny-minny-miniy-mo you never know what your gonna get
nigger please your a dragon... dragons don't bleed tears they fly high breathing thier fire down on your face..
and just because this particular evening my poetry is out of whack doesn't mean my message is not as strong. i don't need simile and metaphors to tell my homie that he's a GREAT mutha fucking man and ya girls makes guys cry but that's life and your not less of a man for it !
when i was told I'd get over it i never believed them.... that notion was whack!
but that shit dissipates like diffusion and just like your glass of water you call "who you are" that drop of blood stays solid for a bit but slowly dissipates through your being, your glass of water and it will always be there but it will slowly be less and less present
remember every tear home boy
get stronger with every one you shed
this is life
your strong
your stronger then most and your a king
feel that shit!
you eat Epic for breakfast
live and learn
romance 101
and you just passed with an A+
Monday, July 5, 2010
My Blog has a crush on your blog
I dig what you have to say
your a silly goose!
i love silly geese
sometimes i feel bad that i don't post as much as you do .. but wtv my blog isn't a twitter account.. I'm glad yours is though
One day our blogs will make sweet love to each other and you will be shocked that you haven't done it sooner
Aren't crushes just the BEST!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
it was so much fun... dancing.. drinking
my friend Justin Adler is the resident Dj at Bluedog on Friday
when he dropped this track: Bingo Players - Tom's Diner
i flipped my shit and yelled out as loud and as drunk as i could "SHHHIIIITTTT THATS MY SONG!"
this song is also bomb:
Waiworinao - Ricardo Villalobos
Furthermore this is the best German radio show i know:
I met an amazing German man named Patrick Loos in India.. he has a show on this station... check it out!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

this evening i decided to treat myself.
my master plan for my soiree with will would be the following: getting a hot fudge Sunday at the local ice cream shop, then smoke a bowl at the park, and come home to watch Red Cliff
as i was leaving my father wanted to come with or for me to get him an ice cream. now i blew that off ..cause hey ..i wanna smoke a bowl.
so as i took the lovely 5 minute stroll to the ice cream shop i thought to myself that i should not be selfish! nay i should go get my ice cream, smoke a bowl in the park, then get my dad an ice cream.
Yes! easy, and good karma.
i proceeded to order my hot fudge Sunday with ease, consume it in the lovely bike park, smoke a sweet bowl and walk back to the ice cream shop.
i called my dad as i walked over and asked him what he wanted?
probably vanilla, or chocolate ..perhaps both i thought
he pronounced in excited glee that he wanted butterscotch or caramel
well wait that fucks things up.. that's more complicated.. i didn't sign up for this, i pondered.
no worries it really wasn't a big deal.
as i stood in line progressively getting higher from the magnificent bowl of magic i had smoked 5 minutes prior, i thought about how i was going to order this "butterscotch caramel" do they even have it i thought.
a lovely young girl came to take my order, innocent as rose pettles, no older then 17. her breasts deliciously plump, she was no athlete .. she did enjoy indulging her taste buds. she was not incredibly plump, just as plump as a 17 year-old book worm straigh A student who has no time for physical activity would be.
she greeted me hurriedly leaning forward to save time from my order to the ice cream bar behind her.
i saw a glorious valley of flesh so tiny, squeezed between two mountainous breasts
right as i was going to deliever my well crafted question about the butterscotch another ice cream wench bumped into her.
thier shoulders did not meet, nay, the introduers shoulder bumped squarly into the beautiful tata's of my server.
they giggled more then jello during an earth quake, i felt like i was watching a fat man get shot
my jaw parted in a slow silent cry, the O of my lips expanding slow like the matrix
as the tremendous event had passed and the boob earthquake had stopped the girl looked me in the eyes forcing me for an answer
my eyes and entire head did a quick shake as if i fly had flow onto my nose
my voice was eviscerated in my throat, and all that came out was a low bass AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH ending with my question i had lost
i said
she looked confused and asked me what i wanted, leaning forward to hear better
one hand covering her chest
"est-ce-que t'a du butterscotch?"
she motioned for me to come with her to the other side of the bar where the caramel was,
yes that's what i wanted indeed!
"one scoop?" she asked in french
she put one scoop, stopping to make sure i was certain.
yes yes i was
but wait i wonder how much it costs for 2?, and it's a 5 minute walk back home it might melt
"non! 2 boule!"
boule means boobs it can also mean ball as in scoop of ice cream
Monday, June 7, 2010
i have stories....
-seeing through trees
-greeny transportation
-the sacking of dehli..belly
-no cake birthday girl
-slaying of the she-bitches
-I do P.P.
-deceptive snake charmer
-giving head to sow
-inner kung fu
-earless servants vulgar manner
-60 year old hippie orgy
-hippie witch of the forest
-french hash snobs
-Big Boss lady hands
-Johnny djembe
-Swiss drunkards (he was a good fighter)
-indie acid dave
-Bj barbara jane
-Defensive hindu hard head
-full power hike
-spider slaying
-Himalayan sandals
-hacket the game
-isreali smokers
-gangster rooftop hindu chill outs
-dark jam's at welcome
-Big Ass Sikhs
-Israeli's throw rocks at each other
-lazy day dogs, nighttime hell hounds
-street kids want your beer
-eye fucking the Indian way
-buses hull ass, ours tighten
-shaky Gary joint roller
-japanese back packers
-gay german hikers
-don't use napkin for toilet
-scary British junky girl
-lalu and ajay
-golden temple smells like feet
-danny Auschwitz smoking dojo
-we can make mustaches
-pervert painter full power
-Vikki loves us boys
-Katy tarrot card
-metal rave wasted sadu's
-don't feed the puppy
-Long Mornings
-boulder coaches
-first customer we have chai
-meeting the wives and the family
-Riding the Chillum Train
-Gill army toker
-reiki amir giggle pants ..and shit
-Rizen shwanz
-foreign fruits make good chillum's
-no mo momo
- we go to tosh tomorrow
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
it's gona be crazy!
my bag weights 25 lbs
my smile weights more
Monday, April 26, 2010
come sail away with me

if Emily and i are both single at 40 we're getting married in Vegas and living on a sail boat in the desert ..with a life raft 50 yards away tied to our sail boat for when we need time alone.
Beautiful people should never be lonely. whats the point of being beautiful if you cannot share it. it's like living in a sail boat in the desert...
and we keep hearing that there are more fish in the sea
i would never post something without trying to make you guys smile
let us set anchor in the depths of these dunes, to brave new worlds
we explore the useless
with vigor we look onwards from the bow
"release the sails"
telescope handy trying to spot the future through our eye patch
searching for the ocean
and we are flooded with dust
smiling ear to ear
rushing from one end of this magnificence sail boat of ours to the other
making adjustments, tightening knots, scrubbing the deck, checking the compass, turning the wheel
sailing as fast as these mountainous waves of sand will take us
and we are in a hurry
searching for davy jones's locker, where we use to slip love notes
and it seems we are going backwards, these lazy clouds passing over us like snail mocking turtles
"captain hows the ship!?"
" aye she be tip top, beautiful, the finest vessle to sail the 7 seas"
but we have sailed so few seas that the magical sparkling blue has turned to sparkling sand
most of the crew has abandoned ship almost to the last man
"but quickly now we have no time to waste matey!"
stock full of rhum oh and how we are dumb with no place to cum
better get yer sea legs you never know when we might hit water
riding these heat waves into the bosom of mirages
"east by east yer sea dogs! thats where will find water"
we sail to India
the ship creaks protesting cynical moans
drowned out by the laughter of drunk pirates
who wear double eye patches and double hooked hands
waiting for their chance to do a jig
the longer they are denied water the faster this ship will swashbuckle under it's own weight
"but keep smiling matey's, ther be gold and treasures in the form of sea maidens"
Like ship rats they scurry preparing the ship for water
in this endless desert
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
i watch poetry on Youtube
This is my new girl friend.. she's awesome.. she's kind of a passionate girl
Oh Shit smokey's on the scene!
the godfather of rap ..or something
and i like this blog
this is a poem she wrote
i kinda like it
ms. blum
and I love stories and you and you and your stories
and I wish you were here with me its beautiful
and I have been spending as much time outside as I can
and I’ve been trying to exude positive energy
and I met a man from spain who was quite silly he gave us a hand full of weed and we told him to find us in the woods to smoke it with us later.
and he did it was quite funny.
some good things are happening.
and I think you should come to california
and I miss you
and I think thats all the and I’s I can think of
oh wait no it’s not
and I have been eating delicious food.
and I have been driving outside and sleeping in my car
and I’ve been going a little mental
and I’ve been abnormally normal
and I miss you again
and I can’t wait to see you.
and I luv ya.
and I can’t stop with the and I’s
and I
and I
and I wish you were in my car with me
you got me in a particularly insane mood, I’m sorry that you had to deal with it and read that
and then laugh at me
which I hope you are doing right now
because I would be laughing at me
ya gem
-an amazing friend who is 3,000 miles away<3
Friday, April 16, 2010
schools out for the summer
Tiga - Overtime (Brodinski Remix)
today i'm sitting in my red bath robe with absolutely nothign to do! isn't that glorious!
Summer has started and i'm excited.. time to shake my booty
Let's start the summer with an offer to all the beautiful ladies out there
if your adventurous, open minded and like to have a good time then put on that candy cane lipstick and come out and have an adventure with me
ya? ya!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Future i Love You

and you radiated sunshine lips tracing oblivion, wearing dresses of mystery, the pools of your eyes endless depths of curiosity sparkling precious diamonds of 'what if's' the curves of your body more defined then South American tango dancers, you move in and out of my thoughts tapping your feet to the beat of my heart and when i think of you i do not know where to start your voice spills and washes over me like glowing waterfalls basking in your words well chosen.
your eyelashes extended to find extraneous situations because you think spontaneous circumstances are the epitome of your youth your feet are calloused from traveling the world your face wrinkled in smiles your hair flows like medieval curtains you walk about with a sense of confidence tip toeing in and out of worlds leaving footprints of happiness touching everyone you meet with a loving hand and an empathetical understanding and maybe that's why everyone loves you so much but i love you for the fact that you exist because i know that we have never met but i know you are somewhere looking out your window at the same moon i gaze at in the beautiful stillness of the night i can hear the echo of a heartbeat. hopefully one day we will create our own cliche love story, somewhere in a big city, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, but for now we are both on our separate journey becoming the right person for each other
we would inspire each other to the limits of our imagination needing nothing more but ourselves dancing shamanistic swing-tango through time our love would feed us sustaining the corners of our mouths ever pinned upwards the twinkle in our eyes blinding passerby's
one day we will meet and i will take your hand, you'll smile, I'll say something smooth yet silly, you'll laugh a beautiful chorus of sound I'll put my arm around you firm and strong we will dance dance till the floor is clear and we are the only ones left and i will ask you very gently but with assertion if i can kiss you, you'll smile and kiss me I'll smell your hair trying not to make it obvious and that just makes you smile, will go somewhere: micro traveling, discovering new places; your room, perhaps mine, no official documents needed just whispers and words made by our palms a strip search a voyage of our tactility tasting, smelling, seeing and hearing new things in this foreign place we have created between each other, us strangers, and "New York I Love You" told me that there's nothign more exhilaration then fucking a complete stranger but it will be more then that it will be the consumption of a euphoric future one night stand turning into cuddles by the beach, mountain top sunsets, drug induced dancing in the desert, new foods in odd places, laughter in the concrete jungle...
I'm sipping my coffee in the morning and smiling knowing that somewhere on this earth your doing the same, flipping through my newspaper knowing one day you will caress my shoulders with your morning appreciation matching robs and silly things, silly children silly smiles silly staring silly sips of coffee eyes locked in perfect euphoric connection epiphanies of why our hearts beat simultaneously knowing that without each other we would not be able to define ourselves
but i don`t believe in love and i`m dying to get convinced
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Paris J'te Veux

i just watched Paris je t'aime and it was beautiful. i totally "girl'd out" tonight but hey i had a blast. got in touch with my sensitive side, had a little choked up cry once or twice or thrice and it was amazing
check it out..without subtitles
just watching the trailer again gets me a little choked up
next on my list is, of course, New York i love you.. looks pretty dope.. not as good as in french though
Paris je T'aime made me fall back in love with love..
I've dismissed love.. put it away on a shelf somewhere with my other kids toys
it lost it's credibility, made itself look foolish, didn't give me what i wanted. wouldn't let me bend the rules, every harness i tried to put around it before i brought it out would find a way to slip off....
but sometimes you gotta let love run free.. let it take you for a ride.
like any ride in life it's not necessarily gona take you where you want to go or go there at the speed you'd like it to go.. but hey at least you went on the journey.
and the journey and what you learned on it is what counts.
maybe all it took was one sappy chick flick romantic comedy/drama
but hey ... now i'm down for creating my own little love vignette...
Je T'aime
my evening
and now i'm going to watch
Paris Je T'aime...
that's how i role
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
dance floor descriptions

The whitest boy alive - Islands
The XX - Intro
Trentemoller - moan
Vampire Weekend - Giving up the gun
dance strange octopus glory arms wiggling out back humped head tilted smiling.
slow motion motions moving about like an epileptic panther ratatat wildcat claws out mouthing a silent shout hair done outfit did at the rave feeling brave owning your space eyes shut mind open seeing with your ears hearing with your hands swimming sweaty river of bodies indestructible your hands are snakes moving through the tall grass turning into plants search for sun feet kicking back stallions front darting foxes booty shaking shakira aint got shit spreading musical butter on invisible pieces of bread and all the boys and girls are hungry spinning around mary go!
twirling Russian dancers tornado sucking up all in your path blowing people away
stop. smile. arms rock em sock em robots stand straight tip toe strain for the explosion swerve on cue Carlton fresh and your a prince snapping your fingers midnight beetles click click click
strut your stuff march the London guard loosing their beaver hats trying to keep up. pumping your arms crazy chicken dance . pump harder you'll fly away.
pump that chest gorilla alpha male puckered lips inviting confrontation, jungle boy swimming through leaves ducking under branches eyes curious find the clearing native american's never fearing hopping bunnies from the wolf clan screaming ancestral calls and you know the dj can hear you stamping the ground threatening the world to provide a better bass you wont settle for less headdress impressive head of hair clan leo and i'm a libra always balanced "how can he get so low on his tippy toes" and she wants to seduce ya hair long Medusa's snakes got rhythm, dance floor face guard visor hair
throwing it back king lion hear me roar head wiggling like your missing screws Frankenstein head bump bump up arms out hands limp flick them out like it's money and your making it rain old big mama's black as Africa running in long dresses flick those hands and feat big mama
legs sink cement straight unmoving pint sized friends come to dance high five those little guys banging that gang
lazer hands burning man virgin island dj every day he makes a grand outsourcing his dance moves dance floor kung fu and my styles ancient professional friends find it taboo BUT YOU CAN'T SEEE MEEEE
tecktonic's gay i invented it and i stole it from a decade creating arm windmills the 90's filling copyright claims Madonna stole vougeing Brazilian fags screaming raptors white guys break dancing black furious fighting found krump somethign that was theirs but shit i beat a black girl krumping and i'm as white as taxes "how can he get so low on his tippy toes"
the dance floor is a place for modern tribal warfare come prepared come to sweat show me what you got but don't compromise you art you can even dance like an old fart if you go style let your emotion out it will guide you about and don't forget to smile
there are no bad dancers just people who judge and this is all for fun creating your own prize and you always get first place this is your own motivational video
i'm here for me here to express nothing will get repressed sweating out the stress
and you guys are the best
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
wrong line
"ohh ok so this is the elite line... sorry i'm looking for above average"
"no ya i know i don't belong here"
" i'll just make my way over there to the other line"
"oh i can go to the back of THIS line? really? ..nah i rlly should bump down to above average.. well if you think i should be here then I'm honored dude."
" ya ya i know BACK of the line"
"still honored .. see you insideeee"
Monday, March 22, 2010
Before i Die

This place in Uzbekistan is called by locals “The Door to Hell”. It is situated near the small town of Darvaz. The story of this place lasts already for 35 years. Once the geologists were drilling for gas. Then suddenly during the drilling they have found an underground cavern, it was so big that all the drilling site with all the equipment and camps got deep deep under the ground. None dared to go down there because the cavern was filled with gas. So they ignited it so that no poisonous gas could come out of the hole, and since then, it’s burning, already for 35 years without any pause. Nobody knows how many tons of excellent gas has been burned for all those years but it just seems to be infinite there.
Minilogue - The Leopard (Extrawelt remix)
Friday, March 12, 2010

we swim in smiles build houses made of hugs dance to laughter and try our best to make everyone feel special
Madi Diaz - I know I know
you black hair midnight bass swimming in ink only too drown in the pools of yours eyes cocks a barking salivating for faboulessness and boy do they want a bone
Numbers (Camo & Krooked Remix)- John B
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
dating video
Will's Picks:
-"I'm not afraid to get sand on my tuxedo if your not afraid to mess your hair up when i take the top down."
-"i like to talk to people deep into the night"
-"i'm looking for the goddess, are you the goddess? who is the goddess? the goddess is the women is a women is any women is all women"
-"i want it all"
-"Santa Monica and my front porch swing"
-"life is a playground and i want somebody to play with"
Play a game of Shag,Marry,Kill for this video haha